Naked Winemaker

Chris Baker



Chris's Wines

  • USA
  • 7 wines
  • 5 styles

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Your Willamette Valley specialist - and 1st Annual Rookie of the Year!

  • Brace yourself for lavish, ripe wines from Willamette’s most treasured vineyards – made by the man who makes some of the country’s most expensive Pinot Noir!

  • With Angels' help, Chris is uncovering the ultra-posh wines from this 100-point region's sub-appellations – including Dundee Hills, Ribbon Ridge and Yamhill-Carlton.

  • He's a quiet, passionate guy that loves putting in 110% to make each vintage better than the last, but don't let the modesty fool you! You fund a world-class talent, and you're giving him the freedom to make Willamette shine.

Chris's Activity