COVID Relief Fund
COVID Relief's Wines
- 1Â wine
- 1Â style
This is your opportunity to help small, family-owned wineries impacted by the world health crisis
- The reverberating impact of COVID-19 closures including bars, restaurants and tasting rooms is felt by small businesses everywhere - including the winemakers we love most. This community exists to save independent producers...
- ...and right now, more of them could use a helping hand. So we're using our voice to broadcast the stories of family wineries and winemakers in need of your support, worldwide. Every bottle you purchase gives them hope (and help!) while their sales channels are down.
- Reserving wines under this name gives more independent winemakers the help they need to keep producing incredible wines — this vintage and the many next.
Learn more about the winemakers supported by the $5 million COVID Relief Fund