Olde Swan



One of the older brewpubs still in existence, it is believed to have opened in the 1830s, although the pub building dates from the 1860s. By the mid 20th Century it was in the hands of the Pardoe family and stayed so until the mid 1980s famously being run by Ma Pardoe, a name by which the pub and brewery became affectionately known. Following her death, it was owned by a number of parties, including Tom Hoskins and Wiltshire, with brewing ceasing in 1993. Ownership of the pub was then passed around various companies until it landed in the hands of Punch Taverns. Following a major refurbishment, the brewery reopened on 3rd February 2001. Although much of the brewing equipment has been renewed, the seven barrel brewplant is still in the original layout and plans exist to convert it back to coal power.

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89 Halesowen Road Netherton Dudley Dy2 9Py, Worcestershire, DY2 9PY,

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